Re: Formula to Extract a Full Name and Title, into Separate Columns "First" "Last" "Title"
@Mr. Chris I accomplished this by having some helper columns that I hid afterwards. So one column would be: (Let's say this new column is called "Helper1") =RIGHT([Full Name]@row, LEN([Full…1 · -
Re: Formula adjustment to add percentages of completion
You are instead putting commas. Treat each of those If/AND statements as if they are their own sentence. They end with a parenthesis followed by a +1 · -
Re: If Greater than formula
=IF([% Allocation]@row>100, "No",IF([% Allocation]@row>65, "Yes","Hold"))1 · -
Re: Date Expected Error or decimal return
@Marissa Pettifer Modify your formula like this: =IF([Training Week]@row = "Week One", DATE(2022, 10, 17) etc etc Make sure this formula is in a date column.1 · -
Re: How to automatically check a parent row when children are checked?
I would do something like this on your parent checkboxes: =IFERROR(IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN([checkbox column]@row), 1) / COUNT(CHILDREN([checkbox column]@row)) = 1, 1, 0), 0)1 ·